Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Attempted Cake Balls

So, I have attempted to make cake balls twice.  Each time I learn something new.  On the first attempt I learned that if using Almond Bark to coat the cake balls you need to use the whole batch.  I also learned that you need to make the balls slightly smaller.

On my second attempt I've learned that I really want to use candy melts.  As you can see from the pictures below there isn't much of a coating, but for the people I made it for that is okay.  They don't like a lot of coating to their cake balls.

Okay, I'll be honest with you.  Everytime I talk about Cake Balls (which we'll call pops from now onw) I think I'm in an SNL skit and/or a 13 year old boy.  However, I have this deep, twisted desire, to make blue cake balls.  And I will.  They make blue candy melts.  I just won't be showing these to my more mature friends and family members.  As they will not find it funny or understand why I'm laughing so hard.

I think for my next attempt I'm actually going to make a dinner.  Baking I'm staring to get down and having fun with. Chicken or Beef, that is what I'm fearful of making.  Well no fear... okay at this point I don't know if it is so much fear as time.  One way or another I will be making something soon.

Please follow my journey of learning to cook and cook well.